Aim and Scope

The main goals of TC 16 are a discussion of actual and prospective lines of research and exchange of the results in Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Problems and Techniques inspired by Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis.
TC16 achieves its goals organizing several dissemination, communication and clustering actions, including the organization of workshops and conferences, the preparation of publications (survey articles, tutorials, etc.), the design of bibliographical databases and benchmarking datasets, the provision of support for results exchange between members.
We also consider it very important to allow the Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical community involved in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis to know each other better and to have a forum for discussion. A newsletter is regularly issued.


The main lines of scientific interests of TC 16 are:

  • image algebras, image superalgebras, graded image algebras;
  • image mining;
  • image models of non-statistical nature;
  • algebraic models of pattern recognition and image analysis algorithms;
  • pattern recognition algorithms based on algebras and discrete mathematics;
  • image metrics;
  • image equivalence;
  • algebraic approach to the knowledge representation and processing in pattern recognition and image analysis problems;
  • algebraic and logical techniques application in image databases and knowledge bases;
  • algebraic topology in data analysis and learning.