IMTA VIII @ICPR2022: over 40 submissions!


We are glad to announce that we received over 40 presentations from 11 countries at our workshop IMTA.

The subject of the workshop includes theoretical and applied aspects of a wide class of problems in the following fields:
(a) extraction, processing, analysis, comparison, clustering, and detection of objects, recognition and assessing image quality;
(b) signal recognition, including spectral analysis;
(c) statistical problems, including the development of special metrics;
(d) studies of the mathematical, including algebraic, properties of multimodel image representations;
(e) methods for constructing, combining, and learning fast multialgorithmic and fuzzy classifiers;
(f) in-depth study and optimization of convolutional neural networks;
(g) applied problems of machine vision, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

For updated  instructions and important dates, please see: